Hiccups can be very irritating to deal with. Hiccups may be triggered at inconvenient times, so it is important to have a plan to get rid of them quickly and easily. Check out this helpful article for the best ways to get rid of hiccups.
While in most cases hiccups are not harmful to your health, they can certainly be annoying and even uncomfortable. In professional or social situations, having hiccups for a long time can lead to embarrassment. Whatever the case, it is beneficial to have on hand a convenient and speedy solution to get rid of hiccups.
First, it is helpful to understand what hiccups are and what causes hiccups. Keep reading to learn more about hiccups and how to get rid of them below.

What You Need to Know About Hiccups
Hiccups are the result of involuntary contractions of your diaphragm, a muscle that rests horizontally under your lungs that helps facilitate breathing. When you breathe out and your lungs empty themselves of air, the diaphragm bends upwards against your lungs to support them; when you breathe in and your lungs expand and fill with air, the diaphragm extends downwards. Many nerves run through the diaphragm, including the phrenic nerve.
The phrenic nerve is important for controlling your breathing. When you get hiccups, it is the result of irritation to nerves in your throat, mouth, or abdomen. This irritation can cause a group of nerves (including the phrenic nerve) to fire, which in turn causes your diaphragm to spasm. As you hiccup, the diaphragm contracts and air rushes into the lungs. At the same time, the glottis, a flap of cartilage at the back of the throat, closes. The air rushing in hits the glottis, producing a “hic” sound, hence the name hiccups.
Fortunately, there are quite a few things you can do to halt this process and get rid of your hiccups. Some methods are far more effective than others. Keep reading and learn more about the best ways to get rid of hiccups.
Breathing, Posture, and More Old Wives’ Tales
In scouring the Internet in search of the best way to get rid of hiccups, you are sure to come across a plethora of old wives’ tales and home remedies. While some options may work some of the time, the vast majority of these suggestions are purely anecdotal and have no basis in science or medicine.
Popular solutions include: adjusting posture while taking deep, slow breaths, chugging water upside down, or swallowing a spoonful of peanut butter. While these things would certainly appear awkward to do in public, some are even counterintuitive. For example, chugging water too quickly may actually introduce more air into the stomach, which could worsen your hiccups.
We’ve created an easy, convenient, affordable, and fast-acting solution that fits right in your pocket: Hiccupops. Hiccupops are not your average piece of candy–our lollipops are formulated to stop hiccups in seconds and are backed by years of research. All you need to do is pop one into your mouth, and after a few seconds, you’re good to go! It’s really that simple.
Hiccupops are the first science-based solution for hiccups, which makes them a far better option than other home remedies and myths. While they are the best way to get rid of everyday hiccups, if your hiccups last for more than 48 hours you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, visit our online store to place your order today or find us in a CVS near you!
Science-Based Relief for Hiccups
We’ve created an easy, convenient, affordable, and fast-acting solution that fits right in your pocket: Hiccupops. Hiccupops are not your average piece of candy–our lollipops are formulated to stop hiccups in seconds and are backed by years of research. All you need to do is pop one into your mouth, and after a few seconds, you’re good to go! It’s really that simple.
Hiccupops are the first science-based solution for hiccups, which makes them a far better option than other home remedies and myths. While they are the best way to get rid of everyday hiccups, if your hiccups last for more than 48 hours you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, visit our online store to place your order today or find us in a CVS near you!